Naturistes du Québec
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 La télé cherche une naturiste enceinte

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Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

La télé cherche une naturiste enceinte Vide
MessageSujet: La télé cherche une naturiste enceinte   La télé cherche une naturiste enceinte Icon_minitimeMer 10 Fév 2010 - 17:56

La FQN a reçu la demande suivante de la liste FCN: une émission du canal Discovery Health Channel est à la recherche d'une naturiste devant accoucher en mars ou en avril. Prière de contacter la personne ci-dessous.

Citation :
If you are interested or know anyone who is interested, please contact Diana Nolan directly. Her contact info is at the bottom of the message.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Diana Nolan <>
Date: February 10, 2010 2:38:52 PM GMT-05:00
Subject: Discovery Health Channel Inquiry

My name is Diana Nolan, and I work for the Discovery Health Channel program I'm Pregnant And... which airs in the United States on Tuesday nights at 9:30 p.m. Each episode of the show focuses on the pregnancy of a different woman. We try to get women from a variety of different backgrounds and lifestyles in order to educate the public about each woman's very different pregnant experience.

We are interested in featuring a pregnant naturist on the show, because she would be able to educate our viewers further about the naturist lifestyle while preparing to bring new life to the world.

I was wondering if you might know of someone who might interested in participating in the show, or if you could point me in the right direction? We are looking for a woman who is due to give birth in March or April. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you so much for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you..

Warm Regards,
Diana Nolan
Sirens Media

office: 301-920-9876
cell: 301-237-0496
fax: 301-920-9880
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La télé cherche une naturiste enceinte

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